Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act
In June 2005, Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act 2005 (AODA) was enacted into law. The AODA is more comprehensive and prescriptive than the Ontarians with Disabilities Act from 2001 and applies to the public sector as well as private and non-profit organizations. The AODA requires the development of accessibility standards, compliance deadlines, and administrative penalties for non-compliance.
The fundamental purpose of the AODA is to ensure that Ontario is accessible by 2025. Ontario is the first and only Canadian jurisdiction to regulate accessibility standards.
Standards Development Committees were established in the following areas:
- Customer Service
- Information and Communications
- Employment
- Transportation
- Built Environment
Each of these standards has established implementation targets and compliance requirements for obligated organizations.
The AODA requires accessibility of goods, services, facilities, accommodations, employment as well as information and communications.
Implementation Strategy
North Middlesex supports the spirit and goals of the AODA to make the Province of Ontario accessible by 2025. The Municipality is striving to become more accessible and inclusive to people with disabilities by ensuring accessibility is a reality throughout all facilities and business operations. Ensuring accessibility is integrated into all Municipal initiatives, business practices, committees, departments and divisions.
Participating Municipalities
This multi-year accessibility plan is prepared jointly between the County of Middlesex and participating municipalities in Middlesex County.
2023 - 2028 North Middlesex Accessibility Plan
Annual Accessibility Status Report (2020) - county of middlesex
Accessibility for Customers, Feedback and Staff Training
The Municipality of North Middlesex adopted Policy and Procedures for Accessibility Standards for Customer Service in 2013. This document guides the municipality and its staff in delivering services, and is required training for employees and assisting the public.
- Accessibility Policy 003-2013 (amended by Council January 25, 2017)
- Accessibility Feedback Procedure (amended by Council January 25, 2017)
- Customer Feedback Form
- Support Person Procedure (amended by Council January 25, 2017)
- Service Animal in the Workplace Procedure (amended by Council January 25, 2017)
- Accessibility Training Procedure (amended by Council January 25, 2017)
- Accessibility Standards Training for Volunteers
- Accessibility Regulation for Contracted Services
- Guide to Accessibility Requirements for Purchasing Goods, Services and Facilities
Temporary Service Disruption
Any temporary disruption in service at a municipal facility will be posted at the affected facility and under the Notices page of this website.
Accessible Format or Communications Support and Web Users
The Municipality of North Middlesex will continue to strive to ensure that its official website and web content conform to the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), 2005, which calls for accessibility levels according to the World Wide Consortium Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A at a minimum. To illustrate North Middlesex's commitment to a high level of website accessibility, as quickly as possible, the website conforms to the WCAG 2.0 level AA ahead of the January 1, 2021 date required by AODA regulations. Except where meeting this requirement is not practicable, this conformity applies to the website's web content and web-based applications that are controlled directly through a contractual relationship that allows for the modification of the product and web content.
Every effort will be made to make the document available and AODA compliant. If a document provided on the website contains elements that are inaccessible, an alternative method can be requested. In this event, please contact the Municipality of North Middlesex by phone, in person or by email.
If you require any document in an alternate format, please contact the Clerk.
Request for Accessible Format or Communication Support Policy
Accessibility and Workplace Accommodation Procedures
The Municipality is committed to an inclusive workplace in all aspects of employment activities, including recruitment, selection, orientation, working conditions, career development/ advancement and performance management.
As an employer, the Municipality strives to ensure that current and potential employees with disabilities are accommodated so they may fully participate in all aspects of recruitment and employment. This includes a return to work program for staff through the accommodations policy.
Other Consultation Guidelines or Documents
Useful Links