In General, Council Meetings are held on the first and third Wednesday of each month (exceptions for January, July and August – one meeting per month). The agendas posted below contain pertinent information on upcoming Planning Applications, and Drainage Matters in addition to the regular items of business for consideration by Council.
Upcoming & Previous Council Meetings
Introducing our new eScribe digital agenda. Here you can access upcoming and previous agendas, minutes and reports. If you require any assistance navigating this new platform please contact the Municipal Clerk.
NOTICE- Virtual Council & Public Participation in Electronic Meetings
Virtual Council & Planning Meetings
- North Middlesex Council Meetings are held in a hybrid format- both in-person and online. We broadcast council meetings live on the municipality's YouTube channel.
- We try to live stream the meetings in real-time, however, from time to time this may not be possible due to technical issues. In these cases, a recorded copy of the meeting will be available on the municipal YouTube channel within 48 hours.
- Please see below for information on participating in virtual council or planning meetings
To access a Public Meeting on a specified agenda - you must register in advance through the Clerk's Office in order to participate. Otherwise, you may view the meeting being live-streamed to the municipal YouTube channel.
North Middlesex Council Procedure By-Law
- The Procedure by-law governs the calling, place and proceedings of meetings.
- The procedure by-law also provides for public notice of meetings.
Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest
The Municipal Conflict of Interest Act requires Members of Council to declare any direct or indirect pecuniary interest in relation to a matter under consideration. A pecuniary interest in a matter is one where there is a reasonable likelihood or expectation of financial loss or gain of the Member or related persons as per the Act. The onus is on the member to determine whether they are affected by the pecuniary interest provisions. All members must submit their disclosures of pecuniary interest in writing to the Clerk immediately following the meeting during which they verbally disclose a pecuniary interest using the Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest Form.
Changes to the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act require municipalities to maintain a registry of all declarations made under this Act, as of March 1, 2019. The registry must include the original written declaration provided by the member of Council and must be available to the public.
The registry will be available by following the link below and will be updated following a Council meeting where an interest is declared. If you wish to view a specific Declaration Statement, or if you require an alternate format, please contact the Clerk’s Office at 519-294-6244 ext. 224.
Additional details can be obtained from the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. R.S.O. 1990, c.M.50.
How to Request Delegation Status
If you wish to be a delegation at a meeting you must submit a request in writing to the Clerk indicating your name and outline the nature of why you are requesting attendance. You will then be contacted directly with a date and time.
If you submit a request to attend by email or mail it is the responsibility of the sender to ensure it has been received by the Clerks Office. Your request to attend a meeting should be received well in advance of your preferred date and no later than 12:00 noon on the Wednesday prior to the preferred meeting date. The request will then be scheduled according to the volume of business on the agenda.
Also, when submitting requests or correspondence to the municipality you are hereby notified that the agenda is a public document and therefore any documents provided to Council will appear on the municipal website and therefore available for full public disclosure.
Historical Council Minutes
In 2021, the Municipality of North Middlesex launched a new website. As a result of the new website, a new platform was also required for Council Agendas which you can access at the top of this page. The new Agendas contain attachments not only for Regular Council Business but also include Planning Applications and Drainage Matters brought before Council. Transferring of documents that were contained on the old website is not available on the new website however we have uploaded some previous Council Minutes.
If you are looking for a specific item of business that you cannot find on the new website please reach out to the Clerks Office for assistance. We will do our best to accommodate your request in a timely manner.