Take Notice that the Municipality of North Middlesex will hold a Public Meeting to consider the passing of a by-law to adopt new and amended building fees and charges under Section 7(6) of the Building Code Act, as amended, at the Council Meeting on March 2, 2022.
Building Services are provided by the Municipality of Middlesex Centre to the Township of Adelaide Metcalfe, the Municipality of North Middlesex, and the Municipality of Southwest Middlesex through a shared-service agreement. A joint report has been completed which outlines:
- Estimate of costs of administering and enforcing the Building Code Act.
- The amount of the fee
- Rational to any changes or new charges
The report is available for public viewing below. Hardcopies of the report are available through a request to the Clerk which will be free of charge.
Building Permit Fee Review (Draft)- Joint Building Group
Virtual Meeting Registration
All interested parties are invited to attend the Public Meeting of Council and any person who attends the meeting may make representation relating to the proposed fees. The meeting will be held virtually (and/or as a hybrid meeting) on March 2, 2022. Members of the public wishing to attend the virtual meeting may register at the link below or by contacting the Clerk.
The Public Meeting will also be live-streamed on our Municipal YouTube Channel for viewing beginning at 6:00 pm +/-.
Members of the public wishing to comment on the application can provide written submissions to the Clerk via email or by mail at 229 Parkhill Main Street, Parkhill, ON, N0M 2K0. Written submissions must include your full name, address, and an email or telephone number at which you can be reached.
Questions concerning the Building Report and Building Services can be directed to:
Arnie Marsman
Chief Building Official (CBO)
Municipality of Middlesex Centre
Email: @email
Phone: 519-666-0190 ext 260