The Municipality of North Middlesex is holding a public meeting to consider a proposed Municipality-initiated housekeeping amendment to the Municipality’s Official Plan.
The purpose of the proposed housekeeping amendment is to update the Municipality’s Official Plan to implement up-to-date policies as a result of recent legislative changes. The effect of this housekeeping amendment is to implement and update complete application requirements for Official Plan amendments, Zoning By-law amendments, site plan approval, approval of plans of subdivision (including condominiums), and consents, and to add policy direction as it relates to delegated approvals for minor zoning by-law amendments and the cancellation of a consent. This amendment is a result of recent updates to the Planning Act through Bill 13 – Supporting People and Supporting Businesses Act, 2021, Bill 276 – Supporting Recovery and Competitiveness Act, 2021 and Bill 109 – More Homes for Everyone Act, 2022.
The amendment documents are available for review on the Municipality’s website: www.northmiddlesex.on.ca
If you are interested in taking part in the meeting:
• Date: January 18th 2023
• Time: 6:00pm
• Location: Hybrid (Zoom and 229 Main Street, Parkhill, ON)
You must register to participate online.
The meeting is open to the public at 229 Parkhill Main Street. You will have an opportunity to speak to the presentation, in person, at the meeting.
Send your request via email to @email
The meeting can also be watched live on our YouTube channel.
If you wish to be personally notified of Council's decisions regarding the proposed Official Plan amendment, you must make a written or email request to the municipality.