Now a movement celebrated across the globe, Pink Shirt Day has humble beginnings. Inspired by an act of kindness by a group of teens in small-town Nova Scotia, CKNW Kids' Fund, working with partners Boys & Girls Clubs and CKNW 980, was inspired to raise funds to support anti-bullying programs.
After the teens’ act of kindness in 2007, CKNW was inspired to help other youth affected by bullying, with many staff members wearing pink shirts and collecting funds to support Boys and Girls Clubs. Since then, the idea has only grown each year, with worldwide support and participation. Countries across the globe are now organizing anti-bullying fundraisers of their own, including Japan, New Zealand, China, Panama, and numerous others. In fact, last year alone, people in more than 180 countries shared their support of Pink Shirt Day through social media posts and donations.
The Municipality of North Middlesex staff will be wearing their pink shirt proudly today in an effort to spread awareness and stand up against bullying!