Get Involved!
Looking to get involved in our community? Perhaps consider dedicating your time to volunteering within North Middlesex & Middlesex County.
Volunteer Opportunities
CERV Middlesex stands for Community Emergency Response Volunteers, which is a county-wide program to improve safety and security in our communities – large or small, urban or rural. Operating at the grassroots level, CERV Middlesex trains volunteers to help within their own communities by preparing for emergencies based on local risks. CERV volunteers meet the challenge when an emergency strikes, be it a flood, a severe storm, a major power failure or another unexpected hazard.
CMHA Middlesex is here to encourage you along your mental health journey. Our goals are to promote good mental health, prevent further illness, offer treatment, support recovery and provide mental health education in the communities of London, Middlesex, Exeter and Goderich. Our vision is an inclusive community with mental health and well-being for all.
North Middlesex District High School
We value and recognize that volunteers enhance the learning experiences of our students and strengthen school and community partnerships. Volunteering is an opportunity to model and promote the value of developing positive relationships as caring and contributing citizens within our community.
- Schools welcome parents, guardians and community members as volunteers who support the life of the school (such as field trips, breakfast programs, school council, safe arrival or careers day).
- Please contact your school for specific volunteer opportunities within the school.
As a volunteer organization, we need your ideas and your time or special skills to make the ACAC a functioning reality. If you would like to teach, have bookkeeping skills, are a great organizer, designer, can sit on a committee or organize a class, please let us know.
Friends of Ye Olde Towne Hall - Ailsa Craig
A nonprofit is as strong as the community that holds it up. Together, we can do more than we can do alone. Let's bring our abilities and passions together.
There are many ways to join us and support our mission. Volunteering for the Towne Hall can be as simple as spending one hour maintaining the garden or being a greeter or selling tickets just before a performance. Too busy to volunteer? Become a member to show your support for the many activities we organize for every age, from children to seniors.
Contact us to find out more about volunteer opportunities, fundraising events, and ways that you can get our message to your friends and family.
Community Groups
Ailsa Craig Village Association
The Ailsa Craig Village Association is a group of community members who regularly meet to support the vibrant, unique community and create a welcoming atmosphere here in the Village.
Through community fundraising and volunteer efforts they work together to contribute and improve the Village through projects and ideas from their own community. They meet on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7PM at the Ailsa Craig Recreation Centre. Through-out a number of years the Ailsa Craig Village Association has been a leader in improving and maintaining beautification in the Village, like no other!
Ailsa Craig Village Association Sub Committees
Ailsa Craig Highland Games & Scottish Festival
Ailsa Craig Main Street Car Show
In 1973, 45 years ago, Charles Garrod, Douglas Williams and Doug McNair came up with the idea of turtle racing. Charlie (as he was known in town) and his wife Ruth, went to Boissevain, Manitoba. While they were there, they saw the Great Turtle Derby. Their turtle derby, which is no longer running, was a much bigger event than that of our community.
The Parkhill Fair is an annual event put on by the hard-working volunteers of the Parkhill Agricultural Society.
Parkhill Area Horticultural Society
Parkhill Area Horticultural Society was founded in 1989. The rose was chosen to be the emblem. Membership has fluctuated between 50 in the early years to over 200 at one time but has been just over 100 for the past few years. The Parkhill Area Horticultural Society is looking for volunteers to help with watering this Summer 2022 Season. If you can assist for one hour in the early morning or in any capacity, please contact Marion Robinson at (519) 293-3298.
The non-profit community garden project will promote the building and growth of the garden site for the purpose of producing an affordable source of fruits & vegetables for those living in the North Middlesex area. Its focus is to encourage a healthy lifestyle & promote good nutrition as well as enhancing the co-operation and interests of our citizens who would like a communal growing opportunity. The garden will support the education and artistic endeavours of the community.
Service Clubs
Lions Club
Alisa Craig Lions are people just like you who have a few hours a month to contribute to our neighbours. We would love to have you help us on our journey.
Parkhill Lions Club is an active contributor to better living in our community and beyond. We support youth and seniors, health and wellness and goodness!
Optimist Club
The Optimist Club of East Williams serves the youth of the ward of East Williams in the Municipality of North Middlesex, Ontario, Canada.
Royal Canadian Legion