Watch Your Butt!
Smoking-related fires are preventable! Here are some quick tips from the North Middlesex Fire Department to ensure safety for you and your loved ones:
Smoke Outdoors: Always smoke outside and away from flammable materials. Never smoke in bed or while reclining on soft furniture.
Use Sturdy Ashtrays: Place cigarettes in deep, sturdy ashtrays that cannot tip over. Avoid using makeshift containers like paper cups or plastic.
Fully Extinguish Cigarettes: Ensure cigarettes are completely out before discarding them. Douse them in water or sand to prevent smoldering.
Dispose of Cigarettes Properly: Never toss cigarette butts into vegetation, mulch, trash, or other flammable areas. Use designated receptacles.
Keep Smoking Materials Out of Reach: Store matches, lighters, and other smoking materials away from children. Use child-resistant lighters whenever possible.
Avoid Smoking Near Medical Oxygen: Never smoke in homes where oxygen is used, as oxygen can make fires burn faster and hotter.
Be Alert: Do not smoke if you are feeling drowsy, have consumed alcohol, or are under the influence of drugs that impair your judgment.
Check for Lit Cigarettes: Double-check that no cigarettes are still lit when leaving a room or before going to sleep.
Install Smoke Alarms: Ensure smoke alarms are installed and functioning in your home, particularly in sleeping areas. Test them monthly and replace batteries annually.
Practice Safe Smoking at Events: At gatherings or outdoor events, designate smoking areas and provide proper disposal containers.
Educate Family Members: Share smoking safety tips with household members and visitors to promote a safe environment for everyone.
Have an Escape Plan: Create and practice a fire escape plan so everyone knows how to evacuate safely in case of a fire.
By adopting these fire safety practices, you can significantly reduce the risk of smoking-related fires and protect your home and loved ones.