Are you prepared for an emergency?
Emergencies can happen quickly, without warning, at any time of day, and in any season. When it comes to emergency preparedness, it all starts at home. Be sure to review the information below to make sure you and your family are safe and prepared for any emergency.
- Power Failure
- Tornadoes
- Extreme Heat
- Floods
- Winter Weather
In an emergency, your household may not be together, or you may be asked to evacuate your home. Thinking about what you would do in different situations and making a plan with every member of your household is the first step to being prepared.
- Discuss your plan with other close contacts so they know what you would do in an emergency.
- Keep your plan in an easy-to-reach location. A good place is with your emergency kit. Make sure everyone in your household knows where to find it.
- Once a year, review your plan with the entire household. Update it to reflect any changes you want to make.
- Refresh your emergency kit at the same time, with new food, water and other supplies.
It is imperative to build an Emergency Preparedness Kit before a crisis happens. Since Emergencies can happen without warning, at any time of day, it is important to be prepared and have the necessary items on hand for everyone in your household.
During an emergency, you should stay tuned to local news channels. Be sure to have a portable, battery-operated or crank radio in your emergency kit in case of power outages.
Knowing your risks can help you and your family be prepared for an emergency. Make sure you think of risks where you live, work, and play. Different risks may need you to get ready in different ways, and it's a good idea to review your risks each year because they may change.
In Ontario, electricity demand is greatest in the summer months, largely due to heavy reliance on equipment like air conditioners during hot weather. This can cause a strain on power-generating facilities and electrical distribution systems. In order to prevent total power failures, rotating outages is often used to reduce that strain.
You can help reduce electricity demands by:
Turning off non-essential lights
Setting air conditioners to 26°C or higher, or using fans instead
Closing curtains and blinds to block the sun and keep the air cooler inside
Avoiding or limiting the use of major appliances between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. when energy demand is highest
Be Prepared
Power outages can happen for many reasons, including equipment failures, damage caused by high winds, and ice storms. Follow the recommendations below so that you are prepared for outages before they happen:
- Store flashlights with fresh batteries in several places throughout your home and check them regularly
- If you have a land-line, have at least one corded phone in your home. Most cordless phones will not work in a power outage
- Consider purchasing an external battery pack for your cell phone or tablet to extend its use
- If you have an automatic garage door opener, learn how to use the manual release and open your garage door manually
- Try to keep your car's gas tank at least one quarter to half full. Many gas stations may not be in operation during a power outage, so always fill up your tank if a major storm is forecast
- Make sure you have a charging cord for your cell phone that will fit your vehicle's accessory power outlet
- If you use special healthcare equipment (e.g., oxygen generator or dialysis machines), ask the supplier about power failures and notify your power company that you rely on electricity to power medical equipment
- Consider installing a back-up heating system or purchasing a generator
- Learn how to shut off the water to your home and how to drain your waterlines to prevent them from freezing during long-duration power outages in extremely cold temperatures
During a Power Outage
When a power outage strikes, remember the recommendations below:
- Listen to a battery-powered or "crank" radio turned to a local station to find out what is happening
- Use your wireless device to occasionally check the "outages" page of your electricity supplier's website
- Do not call 9-1-1 to report power outages. If you need to report an outage, contact your local electricity provider
- Cell phone towers may be tied up with calls. You may, however, be able to text family and friends because it requires less data
- Turn off all tools, appliances, computers, or other electrical equipment. Power can be restored more easily when the system is not overloaded
- Do not open your fridge or freezer unless absolutely necessary. Discard any thawed food that has been at room temperature for more than two hours
- Check on elderly or disabled neighbours
- Use caution if you must travel. Traffic lights and street lights may not be working
- Do not use barbecues, gas heaters, or electrical generators indoors - they produce deadly carbon monoxide
- When the power comes back on, give the electrical system a chance to stabilize before reconnecting tools and appliances
More information about power failure preparation can be found on the Government of Canada's Get Prepared website.
Relevant Contact Information:
To report an outage, fallen tree hazard, or emergency (24-hour number) contact Hydro One at: 1-800-434-1235
Most tornadoes in Ontario occur in the late afternoons of May through September, often during periods of high temperatures and high humidity. Wind speeds within a tornado can range from 64 km/h to over 500 km/h and can last minutes or hours.
On average, Ontario experiences approximately 12 tornadoes each year. A number of significant tornadoes have touched down in our area over the years, including an EF1 tornado in Grand Bend in 2014.
Warning Signs of a Tornado
Many tornadoes form unexpectedly, but there are conditions that precede a tornado that we can all watch for:
- Thunderstorms that grow steadily worse, with heavy rain and extreme thunder and lightning
- Large hail (larger than a nickel in size is evidence of a strong storm)
- An extremely dark sky, sometimes highlighted by rotating green or yellow clouds. Sometimes, wisps of cloud will be seen swirling upward toward a low point in the clouds
- An eerie calm at the end of a severe storm. The sun may even still be visible
- A rumbling sound like a freight train, or a whistling sound like a jet
- A "wall of white" coming toward you. Many tornadoes are hidden by heavy rain and a funnel might not be immediately visible
If you observe any of the above warning signs, take cover immediately.
Watches vs Warnings
Environment Canada will issue tornado Watches or Warnings when necessary, but remember that tornadoes can form unexpectedly, so a Watch or Warning may not always precede a tornado touchdown.
- Watches: issued when conditions are favourable for tornadoes to develop later in the day. This is a significant weather development, so monitor weather conditions and listen for updated weather reports. During a watch, be prepared to take action if severe weather develops
- Warnings: issued when a tornado has been sighted, or if radar detects storm rotation. Residents in the area covered by a warning will be advised to take shelter immediately
What to do if a tornado threatens
If you observe any of the warning signs above, or reside in an area under a Tornado Warning, remember to:
- Take shelter immediately, preferably in the lowest level of a sturdy building
- Stay away from windows and exterior doors and walls. Flying glass and debris blown into a building are extremely dangerous
- Do not spend valuable time opening windows to prevent your home from "exploding". Buildings are typically damaged by wind and blowing debris, not by a sudden drop in air pressure. In fact, during a Tornado Watch, you should close all open windows, doors, and garage doors - winds can enter building openings and cause walls to blow out and roofs to collapse
Finding Shelter
- In a house, go to the basement and take shelter under a stairway or a sturdy piece of furniture such as a table
- If you are in a house with no basement, go to a closet or bathroom near the centre of the building, without windows. Lying in a bathtub with a mattress on top may provide additional protection
- In a large building such as a grocery store or shopping mall, go to an interior hallway or a washroom on the lowest level, or get under a sturdy piece of furniture. Avoid large, open areas and stay away from windows
- In high-rise buildings, go to the lowest level, a small interior room, or stairwell. Stay out of elevators and away from windows
- If you are camping, hiking, biking, or outdoors when a tornado is approaching and there are no good shelters nearby, your situation is dire. Try to find a low-lying area such as a ditch and get into it. If there are no low-lying areas, try to get deep into a thick cluster of trees and get down as low as possible. Protect your head from flying debris
- If you are driving and see a tornado in the distance, try to determine the direction it is heading and get out of its path, if possible. If it is nt possible to escape the path of the tornado, find shelter. Do not take shelter under an overpass. If it is approaching your vehicle, get out and find a low-lying area to take cover. If no good shelter is available, and debris is flying, your only option may be to park at the side of the road, leave your seatbelt on, and get below the level of the windows.
- Note: if a tornado looks like it is standing still, that means it is either travelling away from you, or headed right toward you
Symptoms of heat-related illness
Adverse health effects that can occur from exposure to excessive heat include:
heat rash: red or pink rash usually found on the neck, chest and/or elbow creases
heat cramps: painful muscle cramps
heat exhaustion: heavy sweating, weakness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting and fainting
heat stroke: headache, dizziness, confusion and fainting; skin may be hot and dry or damp; this is a medical emergency – seek emergency help and cool the person down right away
Other health problems can also occur, especially for those with chronic medical conditions such as heart disease or diabetes.
Consult a healthcare provider or call Health811 (TTY: 1-877-797-0007) if you experience any of the above symptoms.
In the event of medical emergency (for example, loss of consciousness), call 911 or your local emergency number immediately.
Individuals at high risk of heat-related illness
During an extreme heat event, everyone is at risk, but some groups are more vulnerable than others. They include:
- infants and young children
- older adults
- people who live alone
- people with chronic medical conditions (for example, heart disease, respiratory conditions, overweight, diabetes) or mental illnesses (for example, schizophrenia, depression, dementia)
- people on certain types of medications (for example, for high blood pressure, for mental illnesses, etc.)
- people experiencing homelessness, underhoused, or other challenges in accessing cool spaces
- people with limited mobility
- people who exercise vigorously outdoors (play sports, cyclists, gardeners)
- outdoor workers (depending upon length or time and exertion levels)
- people who work in places where heat is emitted through industrial processes (for example, foundries, bakeries, dry cleaners) footnote 1[1]
The Municipality of North Middlesex provides heat relief cooling stations at the Parkhill Library and Ailsa Craig Library during extreme heat events. If an "Extreme Heat Alert" is in effect, contact the municipality or local public health unit to locate what is open and available near you.
How to prevent heat illnesses
Be aware and prepared to handle an extreme heat event. If you have any symptoms during extreme heat (for example, feeling dizzy, weak, or overheated), you should:
- immediately move to a cool place (that is, indoor environments <26°C)
- rest by sitting or lying down
- drink water
Remember to take it easy after feeling better from cooling off, as you may still be at risk afterwards.
Stay hydrated
- Drink plenty of cool liquids (water is best) to decrease your risk of dehydration. Thirst is not a good indicator of dehydration.
Stay cool
- Dress in light-coloured, loose-fitting clothing, wear a hat and apply sunscreen.
- If feasible, open your windows at night and create a cross-breeze. Close awnings, curtains, or blinds during the day to reduce heat indoors.
- If you have an air conditioner, set it to a comfortable temperature. For those at risk during extreme heat events, sustained exposure to indoor environments over 26°C can pose a risk to health.
- Reschedule activities as needed to avoid being out when it’s hottest.
- Avoid using the oven or other appliances that will add heat to your home.
- If you must do physical activity in the heat, take extra breaks, remove excess clothing, and keep hydrated.
If you are outdoors
- Spend the hottest part of the day (typically noon to 2 p.m.) in air-conditioned public buildings (for example, mall, library, cooling station).
- Reschedule or plan outdoor activities during cooler parts of the day.
- If you must do physical activity in extreme heat, take extra breaks to let your body cool off and drink lots of water.
- Give your body time to recover after being in the heat. Wear a hat to protect your face, UV-protective eyewear for your eyes, and apply sunscreen (SPF 30 or greater) to prevent skin cancer.
Health checks for those at risk
If feasible, check up on friends, family, or neighbours who are at increased risk during extreme heat events, particularly if they do not have access to functioning air conditioning, as elevated indoor temperatures may be higher than they seem. This may involve asking them what the specific temperature is on their thermostat, or an in-person visit.
While fans may provide some heat relief, they may be insufficient to fully cool someone down. A proper air conditioning unit is preferred.
Do not leave people or pets in parked vehicles as they can get very hot!
Prepare now for EXTREME HEAT
- Consider having a water supply ready, as well as ice to keep your water cold.
- If possible, have an air conditioner in your home, or know where you can access air-conditioned spaces for cooling.
- Identify a cooler space in your home and prepare it so you can sleep there at night, even if it is not your bedroom.
- Know the symptoms of heat-related illness and keep the above safety tips in mind
- Know where the cooling centres are in your community.
Check in on individuals who may be more susceptible to heat, preferably twice a day. Watch local weather forecasts and alerts:
Check the Environment and Climate Change Canada’s Weather website for information regarding weather and humidex reports.
Check Air Quality Ontario’s website for information regarding air pollution.
Be prepared: What you should do before, during and after a flood, and where to get current flood information.
Flooding in Ontario is typically caused by:
- rapidly melting snow
- ice jams
- high lake levels or storm surges
- heavy rains and thunderstorms
Floods can happen at any time of year, in both urban and rural areas.
Flash floods can happen suddenly due to heavy rain or fast- melting snow. They can quickly become dangerous.
Knowing about flood risks and how to prepare for them will help keep you safe and minimize damage to your property.
Floods are the costliest natural hazard in terms of property damage, causing:
- shoreline erosion
- damage to roads and infrastructure
- power outages
Flood forecasting and warning program
Visit the Flood Forecasting and Warning Program page to find:
- a map of local and provincial flood messages (warnings)
- information about the types of flood messages issued by the province, conservation authorities and other agencies
- who to contact for more information about local flood messaging and on-the-ground flood response
Ontario flood map
Before a flood
Make an emergency plan and kit
Prepare for a flood by creating an emergency preparedness plan and kit for you and your household.
You can also get emergency preparedness guides for:
- people with disabilities
- children
- seniors
- pets
Know where to find local news and emergency information
Find out how your municipality and conservation authority communicate emergency information. This could be through:
- official websites
- social media
- local radio or television stations
Take steps to prevent flooding in your home
- Extend downspouts at least 2 metres from your home to move water away from the building.
- Shovel snow at least 1 to 1.5 metres away from your home’s foundation.
- Put weather protection sealant around basement windows and ground-level doors.
- Keep gutters and nearby storm drains clear of debris.
- Remove debris from water drainage systems such as weeping tile, culverts and ditches.
- Install paving surfaces for sidewalks and driveways that allow water to drain through, such as gravel, cobblestones or spaced pavers.
- Find out if your private well could be impacted by flood water and maintain wellhead protection.
- Test sump pumps and install a back-up power system such as a battery back-up or generator. Test your back-up system regularly.
- Install check valves in sewer traps to prevent floodwater from backing up into your home’s drains.
- Check your basement for signs of flooding and consider installing a water-sensing alarm system.
Take steps to reduce flood damage
- Store personal belongings and important documents in watertight containers on upper shelves or upper floors.
- Securely fix any oil tanks or fuel sources to the floor to prevent movement during floods.
- Use flood resistant drywall and exterior doors to minimize water damage.
- Install electrical outlets higher on the walls of your ground floor to avoid water contact.
- Lift basement appliances off the ground with wood or cement blocks.
- Make sure basement drains are not blocked.
- Remove yard clutter that could present danger during flood events.
- Secure outdoor furniture and items on or around the shoreline.
Check if you have overland flood insurance
Overland flooding happens when water from heavy rain or melting snow flows overground and enters your home.
Overland flood insurance can protect you from the costs of flood damage, but it is not automatically included in home insurance policies.
Check with your insurance provider to find out if your home is covered.
Helpful links
- Flooding and insurance information (Insurance Bureau of Canada)
- How to make an emergency plan and kit
Home Flood Protection Program (Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation)
During a flood -
If you are told to evacuate by emergency officials, evacuate immediately.
Staying in the area during an evacuation order can be dangerous for you, your family and first responders.
If an evacuation order is not in place, consider the following safety precautions.
If you are indoors
- Make sure necessary personal items (medications and important documents) are secured and easily accessible in case you need to evacuate.
- Disconnect electrical appliances — do not touch electrical equipment or turn off appliances if they are wet or standing in water.
- Move small appliances and furniture to upper floors or areas unlikely to be flooded.
- Do not eat food that has come in contact with flood water.
- Ensure your cellphone is charged (safely) — it may be your only means of communication during an evacuation.
- Do not use taps, showers and toilets if your septic tank or the septic tank disposal field is under water.
- Remove toxic substances such as pesticides and insecticides from the flood area to prevent them from spilling.
If you are outdoors - If your property is impacted by flooding:
- leave the area immediately if your electricity is on
- follow your emergency plan and move to a safe place on higher ground
- Avoid travelling on roads that are near water, bridges, ravines, embankments, low laying areas and any bodies of water.
- Do not drive through, stand or walk in any moving water.
- If you are in your car and it begins to flood, get out of the car immediately and find higher ground.
- Account for all members of your household, keeping children and pets away from flood water.
Helpful links - Ontario weather conditions and forecast (Environment Canada)
- List of Ontario municipalities
- How to build a sandbag dike (video)
After a flood-
Before returning home, check with your local municipality for any information from your public health units, utilities and other community officials who are working to keep you and your family safe.
- Do not enter a building where the walls or floors are visibly buckled.
- Do not use flooded appliances, electrical outlets, switch boxes or fuse breaker panels until they have been checked by your local authority.
- Do not eat food that has come in contact with flood waters.
- Contact your local municipality about debris management programs.
- Report any broken utility lines to the appropriate authorities.
- North Middlesex provides a 24/7 response to snowfall events
- Please allow 8 to 12 hours to clear priority roads and 24 hours to clear all municipal roads
- Please allow more time for more severe, continuous snowfall events
- To report damage caused by plows to mailboxes and lawns please contact the municipality at 519-294-6244
In an emergency, your household may not be together, or you may be asked to evacuate your home. Thinking about what you would do in different situations and making a plan with every member of your household is the first step to being prepared.
>> Build your own Emergency Preparedness Action Plan for your household.
Emergency communications plan
During an emergency, network damage or a jammed system may make it difficult to call someone locally. It may be easier to reach someone using either:
- text messaging
- social media
- a long-distance call
Discuss with your household which way(s) you will try to get in touch with each other. Identify one or two out-of-town contacts you and your household members can call or text message to connect through and share information. Be sure they live far enough away so they will likely not be affected by the same emergency.
Record your main emergency contacts in your mobile device, post the information somewhere that is easily accessible and visible for your household members to get to and ensure a copy is kept in your emergency preparedness kit.
Make sure everyone in your household, as well as your two key contacts, knows how to use text messaging. During emergencies, these messages may often get through even when phone calls may not. Always keep your communication devices fully charged.
- Contact 1
- Contact 2
Evacuation plan
In case you are asked to evacuate your home, or even your area, select two safe locations you could go to. One should be nearby, such as a local library or community centre. The other one should be farther away, outside of your neighbourhood, in case the emergency affects a large area.
Record your safe meeting places, make sure all household members are aware of the locations and keep a copy in your emergency preparedness kit.
- safe meeting place 1 (near home)
- safe meeting place 2 (outside of my neighbourhood)
You should also plan how you would travel to a safe location if evacuation was advised. Have an emergency kit ready to take with you - see Step 2. And if you have pets, think of someone who can take your pet(s) if you have to leave your home. Often, only service animals are allowed at reception centres.
Record the following safety information, post it somewhere that is easily accessible and visible for your household and ensure a copy is kept in your emergency preparedness kit:
- my evacuation route
- location of my emergency kit
- location and contact information for pet assistance
Evacuation route
Make sure everyone in your household knows how to safely exit your home—by a main exit and an alternate one. Be sure to consider your living situation. For instance, if you live in a high-rise building and have accessibility needs, talk to your building manager or neighbours to make arrangements, if necessary.
- Review safe exits from home and record them.
Emergency numbers
Keep a list of emergency numbers at the ready and make sure all members of your household know where they are. Teach children when and how to dial 9-1-1 and other key numbers they may need to call. Here are some numbers you should consider having on this list:
- 9-1-1 (where available)
- police
- fire
- family doctor
- Telehealth
- poison control
- relatives & friends who can lend support in a crisis
- insurance contact
- utility companies
Fire and other safety
Follow general household safety rules for smoke alarms, carbon monoxide detectors and fire extinguishers. More information on how many to have, where to place them, and how often to check and replace them can be obtained from your local fire department.
- Review household fire and other safety measures and record them.
Utility shut-off procedure
Every adult in your household, and older children, should know how to turn off main utilities—water, electricity, gas. In certain emergencies, authorities will ask that these be turned off for safety reasons. Write out instructions, if needed, and post somewhere visible. Everyone should also know where the floor drain is located and ensure that it is not obstructed, in case of flooding.
- Review directions to turn-off utilities—including water valve, electrical panel and gas valve—and record them.
Important documents
Make copies of important documents—insurance, main identification documents like a driver’s licence, passport, birth and marriage certificates, and wills. Keep these with your plan in a safe place. Consider sharing copies with out-of-town relatives or friends, or keep a set in a safety deposit box.
- Create a packet of important documents.
Safety beyond your home
Inquire at your workplace, and your child’s school or daycare about their emergency plans. Find out about their evacuation plans and how they will reach emergency contacts. Make sure that you keep all relevant contact information up to date at work and at your child’s school or daycare, and make sure any people designated to pick up your child are familiar with your emergency plan.
Think of your neighbours. Identify anyone who may need assistance during an emergency and discuss a plan with them and other neighbours. For instance, help them prepare an emergency plan and preparedness kit, and arrange to check in on that person during an emergency, like a power outage.
Planning for medical needs and disabilities
If you or anyone in your household has medical conditions or disabilities, be sure your plan reflects this information. For instance, for someone with medical needs or conditions, you may want to include in your plan a medical history, copies of prescriptions and contact information for key health-care providers. Your emergency kit should also contain extra medications and supplies. You may not have access to conveniences, such as pharmacies, immediately after an emergency has occurred. It is also a good idea to teach others about any medical needs, such as how to use medical equipment or administer medicine.
To learn more about emergency planning for disabilities, consult our guide for people with disabilities.
When your plan is ready
- Discuss your plan with other close contacts so they know what you would do in an emergency.
- Keep your plan in an easy-to-reach location. A good place is with your emergency kit. Make sure everyone in your household knows where to find it.
- Once a year, review your plan with the entire household. Update it to reflect any changes you want to make.
- Refresh your emergency kit at the same time, with new food, water and other supplies.
Your emergency kit should have everything you and your household would need to be safe and take care of yourselves for at least three days immediately following an emergency.
The following list includes essential items to have in your emergency kit:
- food (non-perishable and easy-to-prepare items, enough for three days) and a manual can opener
- bottled or bagged water (4 litres per person for each day) and backup water purification tablets
- medication(s)
- toilet paper and other personal items such as soap, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, etc.
- personal protective equipment (PPE) such as medical masks and respirators
- back up chargers and power banks for cell phone or mobile device
- cash in small bills
- portable light source such as a flashlight, headlamp or glow stick
- radio (crank or battery-run)
- extra batteries
- first-aid kit
- candles and matches/lighter
- hand sanitizer or moist towelettes
- important papers such as a copy of your emergency plan, identification, contact lists, copies of prescriptions, etc.
- extra car and house keys
- whistle (to attract attention, if needed)
- zip-lock bag (to keep things dry)
- garbage bags and duct tape
Additional considerations
The following list includes additional items you may require to meet your household’s unique needs:
- items for babies and small children such as diapers, formula, bottles, baby food, etc.
- comfort and sentimental items such as photos of loved ones, irreplaceable items, etc.
- prescription medication
- medical supplies, equipment and copies of care/support plans including contact information for doctors or specialists
- extra pair of glasses or contact lenses and solution (if applicable)
- pet supplies (learn more on how to keep pets safe in an emergency)
- any other items specific to your household’s needs
Extra supplies for evacuation
The following list includes items to have ready in case you need to leave your home:
- seasonal clothes, shoes and accessories such as hats, gloves, etc.
- sleeping bags or blankets
- lightweight plates and utensils
- survival multi-tool that includes a screwdriver, pocketknife and other basic tools
- local map with your safe meeting places identified
- playing cards, travel games and other small activities
- pen or pencil and a small paper/notepad
- While the above are recommended and classified as essential, not every household has the means to secure and store all of these items. Connect with your neighbours and community to see how you can support each other. Your municipality or local government may also have services and supplies available, please contact them directly for more information.
- Pack the contents of your kit in an easy-to-carry bag(s) or a case on wheels.
- Store your kit in a place that is easy to reach and ensure that everyone in your household knows where it is.
- Group like items and package them in clear plastic bags to help organize and protect them from other items that may melt, break, or otherwise become spoiled.
- Your kit does not have to be built overnight. Spread your shopping over a few weeks. Purchase a few items every time you go to the store.
- Your water supply is meant to cover what you would drink as well as what you might need for food preparation, hygiene and dishwashing.
- Check and refresh your kit twice a year—when the clocks shift to/from daylight savings time is a good time. Check all expiry dates and replace food and water with a fresh supply. Check batteries and replace as needed.
- Keep your cell phone or mobile device fully charged , as well as your power bank.
Stay Informed
During an emergency, you should stay tuned to local news channels. Be sure to have a portable, battery-operated or crank radio in your emergency kit in case of power outages.
Alert Ready in Ontario
Alert Ready in Ontario is part of a national service designed to deliver Canadians' critical and potentially life-saving emergency alert messages. Check your phone’s compatibility.
Ontario’s hazards
Different hazards require a different approach for being prepared and knowing how to protect yourself and your household. Learn more about Ontario’s hazards, so you can better prepare for them and know what to do to protect yourself.
Emergency Management Ontario on social media
Follow Emergency Management Ontario on Twitter for more emergency preparedness tips and information.